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Casey Waterman was born and raised in a small rural town in New Hampshire. With over a decade of culminated work, his process and curiosity are mostly self-taught and induced.

Casey attended Keene State College receiving a bachelor's degree in architecture. He has worked as a preparator in museums and galleries both in New England and Miami. He most recently spent two years as an assistant to the formerly local Miami artist Enrique Martinez Celaya, gaining valuable insight and education. Of which, what it means to call oneself an artist as well as the importance of being honest about your intentions and keeping your actions faithful. Casey’s work can be found in private collections along the eastern seaboard. 

As an ongoing process of personal exploration, he continues to investigate and create at his studio in Little River, Miami.


The Series Why This Restlessness? 

His work can include a wide range of materials and mediums but is based primarily on the creation of a cut image from a photograph, drawing, or other forms of visual media. In the removal of parts of the image, he is interested in the tension between what is there and what is left out, why those choices are made, and not what they say, but where they lead. The cutouts are then reintroduced as prints, paintings, sculptures, and large-scale murals. His curiosity and inspiration come primarily from written works and everyday experience, rather than from other visual artists. After establishing an idea he collects images, some not being cut until years later, which are then used to help investigate choices and insight new questions. For Casey, the process and the work are not separate entities but a process where each facet is of importance and worth heeding.

I Am Yourself Series

Imprints/I am Yourself is a work of collection; a collection of images augmented by Casey Waterman to create a habitat where paralleled materials, connotations, and ambiguity comment on the evolution of our constructed social realities

    The Origins Series

    They were created as an investigation into the beginnings of the current human social conditions with a focus on materiality and evolutionary information gathered from Paul Shepards book "The Only World We've Got".  The works attempt to inspire a curiosity about the ways our Origins may be responsible for the way humans exist and feel today.






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