Gynaeceum Series
Two of the recurring themes in Paloma Castello's work converge again in Gineceo (Gynaeceum): an exquisite femininity and her fascination with the ancient world. However, far from the exoticism of her previous forays, on this occasion the encounter takes place in the domestic and everyday. Hence, surely, her ceramic experimentation: nine central pieces dedicated to a peculiar group of divine women.
Exotic Delirium Series
Castello's “Exotic Delirium” series pays tribute to the constant hybridization and miscegenation, to the richness that springs from the intersection of different universes, to the possibility of cohabitation and the need for adaptation, and to the landscape as a historical and a dynamic composition where dreams, reality, and fiction are interwoven.
The Dis-enchanted Series
The artist has always liked divas and femmes-fatales. My grandmothers spoke often of these actresses and admired them openly as if they were real. They created a collective imagination, which inspired the wonderful illusion that the universe they inhabited was real. The problem was, that they never told me the truth about them and I always had a distorted 61 image of these divas. I was forever duped.
The Castelloland Series
Castelloland works with objects whose uniqueness proves to be fundamental to the piece’s narrative in each story because each piece reacts and happens through the word and object interaction. This series is composed by more than 30 small format photographs and the stories that are linked to them that sway between fiction and reality." – Text by Estefania Sokoloff.
Tropicarios Series
Paloma Castello's Tropicarios is an invitation to experience a space in which the fiction and her memories of the tropics blend together to create a personal approximation between our own fictions and those of the artist.
Paloma Castello born 1988 Bogotá, Colombia. Use art to give life or a different narrative to an object's past. He is interested in playing with memory and relating it to the present, creating an atmosphere between reality and fiction. His family and social background have a powerful influence on his work. She grew up surrounded by objects and anecdotes inherited from her ancestors that inspire endless surreal stories. His work arises from these experiences; They are evidence of his “autofiction.”
"Paloma Castello presents us with a work full of nostalgia. Her artistic work represents the soul of her proposal: inherited objects discovered or found that have become the tip of the iceberg of her past. They are elements that she collects, remembers and then classifies following a method that frames his anachronistic attitude that is evidence of the youth of his art.
It also shows that experimentation on herself is common for an artist who is just beginning her career. Without a doubt, this resource, valid and true, becomes the path that determines the author's experimental character.